The Grishaverse
The Grishaverse

"Steel is earned."
— Botkin Yul-Erdene, Shadow and Bone

Botkin Yul-Erdene was the instructor for combat training classes at the Little Palace.



He was a former Shu Han mercenary who had fought in multiple wars on every continent. He fought for anyone that could afford to pay him.[1] He was said to have a gift for killing no matter the method, and could and would train anyone. He was shown to favor his own people, but since "the Shu had a bad habit of taking a scalpel to their Grisha, few made it to the Little Palace to join the Second Army."[2] The Darkling recruited him to teach Grisha to fight without their powers.

Shadow and Bone[]

Botkin teaches Alina Starkov to fight better, making her run many drills throughout the palace grounds. He is friends with Zoya Nazyalensky, calling her a star pupil until she uses her Squaller powers against Alina in a fight, which is forbidden.[3] Botkin later grows impressed with Alina's skill, and allows her to practice using her Sun Summoner powers to blind opponents. He gives Alina a knife made of Grisha steel after she earns it.[4]

Siege and Storm[]

Botkin stays at the Little Palace after the Darkling's coup and later on throughout the book. He continues teaching Grisha, including the Fabrikators after Alina adds them to combat training. He does not seem to have any problem with Alina's changes, and is enchanted with Tamar Kir-Bataar.[5] Later, Alina sends Botkin with the Grisha students to Keramzin, which she hopes will be safer than the Little Palace.[2]

Ruin and Rising[]

The Darkling presents a dead Botkin, along with Ana Kuya and the three Grisha scouts, hanging from an oak tree in front of the Keramzin orphanage in a vision that Alina had.

She yells at the Darkling that she hopes Botkin killed twenty, even hundreds of the Darkling's Grisha. The Darkling simply says that Botkin was an extraordinary man.[6]

Physical description[]

Botkin had a scar across his neck and straggly hair.[1] He had dark hair and golden eyes.

Personality and traits[]

He loved weapons and fighting.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Shadow and Bone, chapter 9
  2. 2.0 2.1 Siege and Storm, chapter 17
  3. Shadow and Bone, chapter 11
  4. Shadow and Bone, chapter 13
  5. Siege and Storm, chapter 15
  6. Ruin and Rising, chapter 15